Humboldt Seeds

HSO method for germinating cannabis seeds

The outdoor season is underway and you may be wondering when and how to germinate your cannabis seeds. An earlier post explained various methods to germinate marijuana seeds; this one, though, shows step by step how to germinate our seeds using the HSO method. An easy process to obtain the best results!

Where should I germinate my seeds?

You can do so both outdoors and indoors, although, from our point of view, an indoor room will allow you to have greater control over all the variables. Our weak and fragile seedlings make easy preys for bad weather conditions as well as for the surrounding wildlife (birds, insects…). Just remember that it is during their early life stage that they're the most vulnerable to the attacks of pests or of the different elements of nature. The temperature, for example, is very important. We recommend making sure it is near 71°F and 79°F when you decide to germinate your seeds.

Ventilation: a key factor

For this aspect to be under control, you can either buy one of the many mini-greenhouses available on the market or you can simply use a tupperware with some holes on it. We'd personally go for the first option.

Choose high-quality materials

This is exactly what you'll need to germinate your cannabis seeds:

How can I germinate my cannabis seeds?

It's very simple. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Put the Jiffys in warm water and make sure the pH is between 6 and 7.
  2. Once they've expanded, remove the excess liquid if they're too soaked. Don't squeeze them.
  3. Insert the seed in the central hole of the Jiffy at a depth of approx. 5 mm with the pointy part looking up.
  4. Place the Jiffys in the mini-greenhouse together with the thermo-hygrometer. The temperature must be between 68°F and 86°F. If you see it exceeds 77°F, lift the cover a bit to improve ventilation. As for the humidity, make sure the Jiffys never dry up and add some water if that happens.
  5. Place the greenhouse under a grow light, fluorescent of LED.

A week or so later, your seedling must have two cotyledons and will be ready to transplant. Have a good harvest!
