Humboldt Seeds

How to choose the best lighting system for your indoor cannabis cultivation

The lighting is a key element in any type of marijuana cultivation. The main advantage of growing indoors is that you can recreate the ideal lighting conditions for your cannabis plants and control them as you please. However, when growing outdoors, you depend on your region's weather conditions. In this post, you’ll discover how to choose the lighting system that suits your indoor marijuana cultivation the most. This way, your grow tents will turn into perfect bud-producing machines.

There are many types of indoor lighting systems. Whilst it's true that some are more popular than others, the adequacy depends on the circumstances and on the grower's needs. The space available, the outside temperature, the financial resources or the grower's experience are factors that need to be taken into account before choosing one system or another.

What should you bear in mind for choosing a lighting system for your cannabis cultivation?

Lighting systems for your indoor cannabis cultivation

Sodium lamps (HPS)

The luminescence of HPS lamps (High-Pressure Sodium) is caused by the sodium vapor. There are two types: High-Pressure Sodium lamps, producing a yellow-orangey light, and Low-Pressure Sodium lamps, which provide a rather light-orange light. Both of them are suitable for the flowering phase. There are also mixed HPS bulbs (dual spectrum) that can be used for the growth and the flowering phases.

Fluorescent tubes or CFL low-consumption bulbs

Fluorescent tubes or CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) bulbs are an ideal type of light for the early stages of the plant's growth. There are also warm CFL that produce a red light which is perfect for the flowering phase. Normally, fluorescent lamps range from 18 W to 55 W, while CFL bulbs are usually 100, 125, 200 and 250 W.

LED bulbs

LED (Lighting Emitting Diode) bulbs are becoming more and more popular among cannabis growers because they offer a marvelous energy-use/heat-production ratio. In the market, there are bulbs ranging from 90 W to 280 W or even more.

