Humboldt Seeds

Can CBD really improve your sports and sexual life? Yes, and that’s not all!

The therapeutic properties of cannabis have repeatedly been brought to our attention. However, it can also be used for some very interesting recreational purposes. CBD helps to better enjoy leisure activities for it feeds focus and sociability while fighting tiredness and stress. But not just that. However surprising it may seem, CBD can also improve our sexual life thanks to the important role our endocannabinoid system plays in triggering orgasms.

This fascinating phytocannabinoid keeps impressing us all with its many and varied properties. With such scientific backup, no wonder several authority bodies and organizations are studying the possibility of regulating its use, if not totally, partially. CBD is unquestionably leading this wind of change for it being less risky and having fewer negative effects than other compounds. But, beyond its medicinal properties, CBD has proved to be very interesting for those wishing to make recreational use of it.

One of the best-known benefits is, without question, its ability to improve concentration. This is down to its influence on the levels of dopamine, a key neurotransmitter that feeds focus allowing the signals to travel faster to the brain. If you have trouble following a movie, a series or a book because you easily lose the thread, CBD is exactly what you need.

This is one of the ways CBD can be used in leisure and recreation activities. But there's much more.

Have fun doing sports with the help of CBD

Cannabidiol is the only cannabinoid to have been removed from the List of Prohibited Substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). This major milestone happened in 2018 after numerous scientific studies confirmed the positive effects of CBD for sportspeople.

Whether you regularly do sports or you are an occasional sports enthusiast, this is an excellent complement. Among others, it's known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects as well as for its regenerative and muscle-relaxing properties that prove so useful for severely injured or worn out people. Football players, athletes or marathoners, for example, who are under a lot of pressure and whose health suffers more than we could even imagine, benefit greatly from CBD. In fact, it is widely used in this kind of high-intensity sports for various reasons.

Many coaches and physical trainers actually recommend CBD for recovery after exercise. It's far easier to prevent an excessive build-up of lactic acid when your muscles are fully relaxed. And that's where the CBD comes in. It accelerates the recovery by activating the receptors of our endocannabinoid system. Besides effectively relaxing the muscles, it speeds up human tissue regeneration after overexertion.

Hangover: the less friendly side of a crazy night out

If you've ever drunk way too much, you sure have experienced the so-dreaded hangover and its unpleasant symptoms: headache, general discomfort, nausea… All this is down to the fact that, when an organism is poisoned by alcohol, it triggers an anti-inflammatory response of the body by increasing the levels of histamine, a biological molecule that communicates a foreign substance needs to be combatted and thrown out. It has some connection with nausea, the excess of stomach juices, diarrhea, and flatulence as well.

But there's good news: CBD is a great hangover cure. Its soothing effect will help you fall asleep after a night of fun and have a good night's rest, contributing to the recovery of your alcohol-intoxicated organism. And, to top it off, it boasts some amazing antiemetic properties.

Cannabidiol can alleviate the inevitable headache affecting those with a hangover thanks to its powerful healing power and incredible anti-inflammatory properties capable of counteracting the immune system's answer to alcohol.

Don't let your shyness affect your social life

Those with a shy personality often tend to feel frustrated for not being able to be more open. The inability to engage in normal conversations with some people or speak in public can limit the freedom of action making them feel bad with themselves and even affecting some important areas of their life such as their work.

Beyond these exceptionally serious cases, overcoming shyness and growing more open will allow you to make the most of any activity. And CBD can be of much help.

Evidence shows that CBD can effectively fight shyness. A study was conducted by the University of São Paulo with 36 patients suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) to gain a deeper insight into its effects. They forced patients to speak in public, something none of them was particularly fond of. They were later divided into three different groups: one of them was given CBD, the other placebo, and the third one served as a control group. Cannabidiol proved to reduce social anxiety and shyness.

Therefore, we can conclude that using CBD can indeed help feel more comfortable in social events/parties or, at least, be more open to meet new people and live new experiences.

Improve your sexual life

CBD can lead to better sex for it not only improves intimacy but it also helps relax the body and mind.

Orgasms and CBD are very closely related, far more than you'd ever imagine. We, as mammals, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is an intricate network of cannabinoid receptors located in the brain, the nervous system, and many of the body's major organs. When these receptors interact with plant cannabinoids, a series of positive effects are triggered.

A study released by The Journal of Sexual Medicine based on data collected with the examination of plasma endocannabinoid levels before and after masturbation in healthy male and female volunteers revealed an increase in the endocannabinoids 2-AG after orgasm. This finding made it clear that the endocannabinoid system plays a major role in human sexual activity, meaning the use of CBD can indeed activate the receptors of our body and enhance pleasure. It can also help fight erectile dysfunction because they flush dioxins from the body, one of the main toxins responsible for this problem.

If all these health benefits weren't enough, increasingly more studies are confirming its usefulness in leisure and social interactions. For this, and for what's still to come, this cannabinoid is sure to revolutionize the international cannabis industry.
